Sunday, December 29, 2013

Goal Setting for the New Year

Since I was a kid, I've always been a big list-maker. One of the most satisfying experiences, in my opinion, is making a list of all the things I hope to accomplish in a day/week/month/year and ticking them off one at a time till they're all done. I love that sense of completion I get from looking at a list upon which every task has a corresponding checkmark. I also learned early on to break up large jobs into small tasks so that I could simultaneously give myself achievable goals and positive reinforcement that would see me through to the end. This system has stood me well as a writer as well.

I have very ambitious long term goals, but the only way I'm going to see them to fruition is by setting a series of short term milepost goals that will lead me in the direction I want to go.

With this in mind, here are my goals for 2014 (yes, I realize this is a long list, but they're all attainable given the proper planning):

Writing Goals
  • Find representation (In process) for the book series with the goal of publishing Book 1 within a year
  • Meanwhile, write manuscript for Book 2 between January and May.
    • Write summaries for each character's storyline, with their key scenes detailed
    • Outline the chapters in order, interweaving those storylines
    • Organize the book into 3 acts (30-35 thousand words per part) in order to give the story structure
    • Create the Scrivener project for the book
    • Set a schedule for each week with a deadline for completing each of the parts (one per month?)
    • Maintain a record of words completed each week
    • When first draft of each section is complete, take a couple of days off and then do at least 3 rounds of revision
    • Update outline as needed until the entire manuscript is complete and ready to begin editorial process
  • Write at least 2 short stories in the summer of 2014 (related to the novel? unrelated?) and shop them for publication in the fall
  • Determine what manuscript I want to work on during The Stanley Hotel Writer's Retreat
Social Media Goals
  • Set a weekly/monthly schedule for regular blogging/posting
  • Learn how to use analytics to determine content goals
  • Find an admin assistant for my FB and Twitter to help manage postings if needed
Personal Goals
  • Schedule exercise into my weekly calendar 3 x per week and take it as seriously as I do my writing goals
  • Expand my container garden to grow more than just tomatoes this year
  • Reorganize my laundry room and consider purchasing new equipment
  • Learn to crochet
  • Dedicate one room for hobbies and organize supplies
  • Spring cleaning during the week of Spring Break to sort clutter, then store, toss, or donate as appropriate
  • Read 50 books using Goodreads to keep track of my goal
Notice that these are goals, not resolutions. Resolutions seem to always be broken. I am going to do these things, not just say I'm going to. Getting out my calendar now to make my plans. 2014 is going to be a good year.

What are your goals for the New Year?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Gratitude

I have a lot to be grateful for over this past year, so I thought I'd take a moment to appreciate the good things. There are lots more I could list, but these are the big things.
  1. I finished writing a book. Not my first book, but the first book I've really been serious about trying to perfect and sell. I'm going to say it again. I. FINISHED. WRITING. A. BOOK.
  2. I discovered that there was an audience for that book. I had hoped it would be true, but having people read the sample and then say "I want more" is wonderful confirmation.
  3. My family is my rock. I am so blessed with the many ways they support me. I could not have completed any of the goals I set for myself without their help, emotionally, physically, and financially. I am truly and deeply grateful.
  4. I have fantastic friends, both online and off, and they have supported me, given me encouragement, and made my life so much richer. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You all know who you are, and you are the best.
  5. Layla is the best dog ever. Seriously.

  6. After nine years, my house is finally almost done. What a journey it has been! Can I get an "AMEN"? Honestly, this used to be my kitchen.

    Now my house looks like this.

    The difference is truly astounding to me.
  7. I have a dedicated office in my house at last, and I finally feel like I can do some serious work in this space.
  8. My co-workers are such great people to work alongside. I have never worked anywhere that was so warm and caring.
  9. My health has improved dramatically. This time last year, I was having constant asthma attacks and serious recurrent health problems. Thanks to a wonderful doctor and diligent effort, my asthma, thyroid, blood pressure, anemia, low immune system, and general fatigue are all under control, and in some cases the symptoms went away entirely. I would never have been able to finish writing my book if not for that change, and I am truly humbled by the difference a year makes.
  10. Going to the World Horror Convention in New Orleans was not only a fabulous vacation which I was thrilled to enjoy with my best friend in the whole world, but I also got over my fear of putting myself out there as a writer. I also met some extraordinary people, including my editor, RJ Cavender, for whom "thank you" is not enough.

  11. Speaking of RJ, he gets his own gratitude number. I am so lucky to have met him, and his work on my manuscript has taught me things I will carry with me always. He is also responsible for introducing me to an agent and giving me the courage to submit to her, and for that...well...just...that is huge. I will always be grateful.

  12. My best friend, Mike, gave me a printer and part of my Christmas gift office chair, plus he recommended several great apps for my iPad and the Scrivener software for my computer. He went with me to New Orleans. Moreover, he has listened to endless hours of me rattling on about my story without trying to push me to write the story his way, and that is rare. He has been supportive in every way a friend can be, and after almost 30 years of friendship, I am still honored to know him.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Four Intriguing Questions #BlogHop #Books @therealdelia

Hello and welcome to my entry for the fabulous frog blog hop! Thank you to Alexandra Anthony for inviting me to play. Please make sure to stop by her website!

1. What are you working on now?
I just finished writing the finale of my upcoming novel, Ma Chère Antoinne. It's been sent off to my editor, and I'll be making revisions at the end of the month to send to a potential agent. I'm really excited about the book, and cannot wait to share it!
2. How is your current WIP different from others in the genre?

My book is a vampire mystery/thriller with a good dose of horror and romance that I think will appeal to a wide range of readers. There is a lot of edge-of-your-seat action that keeps you hooked, but it's also very character-driven with some historical figures you might recognize making appearances. I've incorporated some elements of classic horror, and put my own spin on the vampire mythology that I hope people will find interesting and compelling.
3. Why do you write?
The short answer is "because I need to," but really, I've always written. I wrote my first book when I was five, and I've had a compulsion that drives me. I love characters that move me and plots that are full of surprises. I wrote the story I would want to read, and hopefully others will enjoy it as well.
4. How does your writing process work?
I'm a big planner. I have notebooks I carry around with me, a whiteboard for plotting on my office wall, and I make extensive use of Evernote on my iPad or iPhone whenever I see something that makes me think "Hey, that would make an interesting story or scene."
I outline everything beforehand, though that outline is always being revised as I work. I do most of my writing in the Scrivener program, and break up that outline into chapter chunks that I can use as markers for myself as I write. That outline is very fluid, however. Once I get into the story, sometimes a scene just doesn't work the way I envisioned it would, and I have to change or scrap or combine elements as I go. Sometimes the flow of the story just isn't working for me, and I find myself shuffling chapters around or adding something in that I hadn't originally planned.
I work two other jobs, so I have to keep myself organized and schedule my time carefully. I set aside at least two hours every day for writing. If I have more time available, I use it. If I'm busy, I might only have time to make notes or do some revisions or research. All of that is moving my story forward, however, and I know that if I am patient and persistent, I can finish it.
I also revise many times. With this book, I did at least 15 rounds of edits before handing it off to my editor. I want the book to be the best it can be, and that means a lot of hard work without immediate payoff.
To meet another fabulous author, check out his Q&A blog hop on the following website…

Anthony Hogg, The Vampirologist

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Where I've been (Among other things)

Writery Things
During the month of November, I was quiet here, but my writing life has been extremely busy.

In October, I had a conversation with an agent, and she recommended to me that I increase the length of the novel in order to make it more marketable to mainstream publishers. Thus, I spent the three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving completing a 30,000 word addition to the text. The manuscript draft is now in the hands of my editor. After taking a week to catch my breath, I've begun planning the sequel while I wait for the annotations to come back. I'm also taking time to do some research, and I can't wait to use what I learn in the next book. Once my editor is finished looking through the text, I'll make corrections and then send it off with hopes of finding representation.

I'm also very excited to announce that I'll be attending The Stanley Hotel Writer's Retreat in October of 2014! It's a week-long retreat at the hotel that was the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining. The event has been written up on FEARNet and on FANGORIA®, and I absolutely cannot wait. I haven't been to Estes Park in years, and to spend the time doing something I love with great people in such an inspiring location is a dream come true.

Readery Things 

The book club I lead has been reading classic horror this year, and we just completed Bram Stoker's Dracula. We've been comparing the book to various onscreen interpretations, including the new NBC television series. Everyone agrees that while the show departs significantly from the text of the novel, we love what the writers are doing and find Jonathan Rhys Meyers depiction compelling and exciting. If you haven't had a chance to catch this great show, I highly recommend it.

At the beginning of the year, I set myself a challenge to read 50 books, which works out to approximately a book a week, and I'm seven books away from reaching that goal. Many of the books I read were part of a series. Last year, I read all of the George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series, and this year it was Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series that dominated my reading list. This year also saw the end of Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mysteries, an ending that was bittersweet for me. I kept up with Karen Marie Moning's Fever series by reading her newest and thoroughly entertaining installment, Iced (I'm very much looking forward to reading Burned once it's released). I also read Cassandra Claire's Mortal Instruments series and the Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Several standalone novels were part of my reading list, including most memorably Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane which was stunningly lyrical and heartbreaking.

Doggy Things (Because Layla is annoyed at not being the center of attention)
I'm just going to leave this here. Her face speaks for itself.

Your Turn...

Tell me stuff!
  • What are you reading/writing?
  • What's the best thing that's happened with you this year so far?
  • What are you looking forward to next year?
  • What is your pet doing right now?