Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Big Decision!

After much deliberation, I've made a huge decision. Rather than break up my work into three smaller books, I'm going to write on through to the end and publish it as one long novel.

There are several reasons, but my biggest concern is with making sure I'm happy with it, and as I reached the end of the first part, I had real reservations that without the rest of the story ready RIGHT NOW, people will feel that it's too short and complain about that fact. That won't make anyone happy. Therefore, even though I absolutely hate changing what I've promised, I feel I really must. The book is telling me it wants to be a complete whole, and I won't be pleased with myself or the end result if I don't listen to what it's telling me.

I know there are people who will complain and feel like they want Part 1 now, but I promise you, I will make it worth the wait. Rather than three separate short novels of approximately 180 pages each, I'll be able to give you one book that's nearly 550 pages.

In addition, because I am writing it as one book, rather than three separate parts, I'll be able to bring you the whole story sooner because I'll be able to focus on my writing and not be distracted with three separate publications. As three books, I'd have to have three different covers, do all the marketing and promotion separately, and all that takes time away from me being able to complete the story. Rather than make you wait until next year as I publish each part separately, my plan is to have it ready for publication in it's entirety this summer.

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