Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wrote 4,259 words between yesterday and today, in spite of being in bed with my crushing headache for part of it. Even if I end up editing it to bits, I'm still proud. And still writing. :D I didn't think I'd done so much till I just stopped to calculate it up. Gives me confidence. I worked in 5-10 minute bursts with breaks inbetween, but it all adds up. Even if I can't get long stretches of quiet time, if I can get a break without interruptions, even if it's just ten minutes, then it's still moving the story forward.

I've also figured out how to use my iPad to write without having so many errors that autocorrect creates for me, and that is a HUGE relief. That means I can write in bed or during my dinner break or while I'm in a waiting room...the possibilities are endless, so long as I can keep my head in the story.
In addition, I've set myself a schedule and I'm determined to stick to it come hell or high water. I'm using the time I would have been teaching or grading or holding office hours as writing time. It adds up to a lot of time.

It's been a pretty lousy few days for me personally, but I'm happy with my writing and I've decided that when all else fails, Nutella is still awesome.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun and Games and Going Places

Though I've been extremely busy with family things for the last two weeks which has slowed down my writing progress, I have managed to accomplish several things that are very exciting!
  • My Goodreads author page is up and running!
  • I have a new book trailer!

  • I've had great fun participating in the Book Crazy 1000 Likes celebration event. It's been so successful, it's continued on throughout the rest of this week, and I've still got two more copies of my book to give away. To participate, go to their events page. There are lots of other prizes as well.

All in all, it's been very productive and exciting, and I'll be back on track for writing once more now that my mother is on the mend. I'm still planning on a release at the end of February. Watch for a firm date coming soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The best laid plans

So the chapter I wrote yesterday which was intended to be Chapter 10 flowed really well. However, when it was all finished, I realized that in order for the end of it to make sense, I needed to add some scenes that lead into it. I went back to my plotline to examine where I needed to make the addition, and now I've got four more new chapters that will be inserted before that section. I had thought initially one would do, but as I started editing my outline, I realized that there was much more that needed to be said. This means I've gone from 22 to 26 chapters, and I anticipate there will likely be a few more additions beyond that. Estimated chapters are now at around 30.

It's funny how the characters really demanded that more of their story be told. It certainly wasn't in my plan, but now that I've looked at the edited outline, I'm much more pleased with the way it's shaping up. I think the characters are happier too. At least, it feels as though the story will flow much better with a more gradual transition between plot points. Hooray!